2023 - 2024 SIIP Plan

Outcome goals for this academic school year

Complete ESSER School Funding Plans

SIIP Plan At-a-Glance

  • 2023 - 2024
  • Fairfax Villa Elementary School
  • Region 5
  • Dave Gerstner, Principal

Mathematics Goal: By the end of the 2023-24 school year, 80% of students in grades preK - 6 will meet EMAS/iReady Spring math benchmark. (from 73% last year to 80%)

Strategy 1  

Improve teachers’ implementation of Framework for Engaging & Student-Centered Mathematics Instruction.

Strategy 2

Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.

Strategy 3

Schedule ESOL teacher push-in ELD instruction during math instructional time.

Reading Goal: 100% of Grade 3 students will read at or above grade level as measured by the Standards of Learning Test (SOL), Universal Screener iReady, and Lexia. 85% of at-risk Kindergarten students will achieve literacy benchmarks by spring 2024 as measured by the PALS-K. 85% of students in Grades 1-6 who are identified as at-risk for reading as measured by Universal Screener iReady will make 150% growth from the fall to spring as measured by the Universal Screener iReady.

Strategy 1

Increase impact of tier 2 interventions for students demonstrating risk by using FCPS-recommended programs and practices with fidelity (e.g., Lexia, UFLI). (HLP 5)

Strategy 2

Increase use of data (e.g., iReady, CORE, PASS, PRF, WIDA) to plan instruction and monitor progress for students demonstrating risk. (HLP 2-5).

Strategy 3

Improve use of interactive read alouds for building knowledge and vocabulary through texts that affirm students' lived experiences. (HLP 1, 3)  

Absenteeism Goal: By the end of the 2023-24 school year, Fairfax Villa's Chronic Absenteeism Based rate will decrease to 12% based on the State Board SOA Decision worksheet.

Strategy 1

Educate parents on importance of attendance. Explain to staff, students & families why daily student attendance matters.

Strategy 2

Increase opportunities for personalized early attendance outreach.