Kiss and Ride Procedures

Fairfax Villa Kiss and Ride Procedures

Parents may once again use the Kiss & Ride line this school year as a transportation option for students. Full instructions and rules about the Kiss & Ride transportation are below.  To register for Kiss & Ride, please complete this form: Kiss and Ride FormA number will be assigned to your car to expedite the drop-off/pick-up process. You do not need this number immediately to go through the line! After registering, you will be given the number at pick-up time during the first week of school.

In order for Fairfax Villa staff to ensure a safe environment for all children, the following drop-off and pick-up procedures should be followed by all families. These procedures will be strictly adhered to each day.  We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our children safe!

Morning Drop-Off Procedures

  • Drop off begins at 9:00 AM 
  • Please note:  Due to safety concerns and gridlock during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal, parents/guardians will not be permitted to turn left from Santa Clara Drive to enter the Kiss and Ride lot.
  • Kiss and Ride cars will line up on the westbound side of Santa Clara – coming from either University Drive or Bellavia Lane. That line will turn right from Santa Clara Drive into the Kiss and Ride Lot.
  • When entering the parking lot for Kiss and Ride line, please do not block the crosswalk.
  • Enter by staff parking lot.  Proceed to the rear of the school, turn in the loop. 
  • As you enter Kiss and Ride loop, remind your child to unbuckle seat belt.  
  • Pull as far forward as possible. School staff will assist you.
  • Do not leave your child if there is no staff member present at Kiss and Ride. You must line up and wait at the starting location until a staff member is in position at Kiss and Ride to receive your child. Otherwise, this creates a dangerous situation where your child is roaming the school grounds unsupervised. There are no exceptions. 
  • The students may exit their vehicle on the right passenger side only. Left door should always be closed for safety purpose. If, for any reason, your child must exit from the driver side, please escort your child to the sidewalk.
  • After dropping off your child, proceed to exit the Kiss and Ride line carefully. Use extreme caution as walkers will be crossing at various times in a designated crosswalk.  A staff member will use a stop sign to halt traffic when walkers are present.  
  • The Kiss & Ride line CLOSES at 9:12 AM
  • Parents arriving after 9:12 AM must park and escort students to the main office.  After 9:15 AM, students must be signed in by a parent. 

Please be advised that making a U-turn at the bus loop may be violating Virginia traffic law and you may be ticketed when the officers make their rounds at Fairfax Villa.

Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures

  • Pick up begins at 4:00 PM.  Parents should NOT line up earlier than 3:50 PM
  • Due to safety concerns and gridlock during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal, parents/guardians will not be permitted to turn left from Santa Clara Drive to enter the Kiss and Ride lot.
  • Kiss and Ride cars will line up on the westbound side of Santa Clara – coming from either University Drive or Bellavia Lane. That line will turn right from Santa Clara Drive into the Kiss and Ride Lot.
  • When entering the parking lot for Kiss and Ride line, please do not block the crosswalk.
  • When you arrive, please be sure to have your Kiss and Ride number card visibly displayed on your dashboard when you pull forward. 
  • All cars should move up as far as possible along the sidewalk so that we may get as many cars loaded as possible. Please do not stop directly in front of your child as this will delay all of the cars behind you.   
  • Children may only enter their vehicle from the right side of the vehicle. Left door should always be closed for safety purpose, especially during dismissal time. 
  • Ensure that your child wears seat belt. 
  • Proceed to exit the Kiss and Ride loop carefully.
  • To exit the Kiss and Ride lot, cars may turn either right (to go westbound toward Alta Vista Drive) or left (to go eastbound toward Bellavia Lane).
  • Parents arriving after 4:10 PM must park and sign out students from the main office. 

Thank you for your cooperation ensuring smooth arrival and dismissal at Kiss and Ride.